Purfleet Framework

A new residential neighbourhood with 3,000 homes focused around a new centre for Purfleet at the railway station


Following the approval of Urban Initiatives’ Purfleet Centre Development Framework, we prepared an Outline Planning Application for 3,000 new homes and 40,000m2 of employment space in Purfleet in the Thames Gateway.

The plans promoted new homes and jobs supported by nearly 7,000m2 of retail, new public spaces, parks, healthcare, a new primary school and transport infrastructure. New development will, for the first time, allow Purfleet’s fragmented neighbourhoods to be joined together to create a cohesive whole with shopping and community facilities at their heart. The scheme successfully responds to a range of constraints including a conservation area, flood risk, topography and ground contamination.

Ensuring robustness

Urban Initiatives worked with Capita to provide technical solutions including a Green Infrastructure Strategy and Transport Assessment. The project involved detailed block testing, open space and car parking assessments.

Design Code

The Outline Application was accompanied by a detailed Design Code that details street typologies, housing and other development typologies together with relevant design parameters to guide future reserved matters applications. A developer partner is now on board to deliver the scheme.




Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation


Purfleet, Thurrock


Urban Initiatives


June 2011 - March 2012


Securing of funding from DCLG
Outline planning consent