Roeshot Hill, Christchurch

A vision for a new northern gateway and sustainable extension to the north of Christchurch


Urban Initiatives Studio were appointed by Taylor Wimpey Strategic Land to prepare a masterplan and outline planning application for the Roeshot Hill urban extension in Christchurch, Dorset. The masterplan will deliver an exemplary development and will form a fitting northern gateway to the town. The site is challenging being constrained by existing highways, historic designations (parts of the site are within a Conservation Area and include a Scheduled Ancient Monument), ecological and nature conservation constraints (the site is adjacent to the New Forest National Park and several other National and International sites). Parts of the site are also susceptible to flooding.

We worked collaboratively with Christchurch Borough Council to prepare a plan that will integrate with the existing town, respond to and celebrate the historic and landscape designations and that will provide a sustainable mix of housing types.

Design strategy

The elongated nature of the site creates a design challenge and the layout of development is structured around a strong green infrastructure. A spine road extends the length of the site with SUDs corridors feeding into a central space Roeshot Park. Sports pitches and play facilities are located within the park and a   community centre and café provides a central focus. A mix of house types are promoted and these are laid out to both reinforce these spaces and to create more intimate courtyard focused clusters within the heart of the scheme. The requirement for SANG to mitigate impacts on nature conservation assets is addressed through land to the north of the railway line.

Planning application

An outline application for 875 homes was approved by Christchurch Borough Council in June 2017. We prepared the illustrative masterplan, parameters drawings, Design and Access Statement, landscape strategy, design codes and Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment in support of the application. We also supported Taylor Wimpey in securing the s106 agreement.




Taylor Wimpey Strategic Land




Urban Initiatives Studio
PFA Consulting
Woolf Bond Planning
CSA Environmental


March 2015 - Ongoing


Masterplan and design codes
Landscape strategy
Outline planning application
S106 agreement