The Avenue, Sunbury

Delivering high quality residential development that complements the character of the surrounding area


Urban Initiatives was commissioned to prepare a masterplan for the redevelopment of London Irish’s rugby training ground, close to Sunbury railway station in Surrey. The redevelopment was for a high quality residential development which complements the character of the surrounding area.

The site posed a number of planning, urban design and transportation challenges which the team successfully resolved, including the designation of the site as protected urban open space. Several design options were considered as part of the masterplanning process, with the preferred scheme comprising 146 residential houses, a 60 dwelling sheltered housing development and the provision of open space, including a new neighbourhood park.




London Irish RFC


Sunbury, Surrey


Rae Sport and Leisure Consutants
Scott Wilson
M&N Communications
Blandy & Blandy Solicitors


January 2012 - May 2012


Outline Planning Application, comprising: Masterplan and set of application drawings, Planning Statement, Design and Access Statement, Design Codes, Transport Assessment and other supporting reports prepared by sub-consultants.